Advice For Planning Your Honeymoon or Destination Wedding!

Advice For Planning Your Honeymoon or Destination Wedding!

It seems ironic that many couples will spend $25,000 – $50,000 or more for a half day wedding ceremony, yet they have difficulty justifying $6,000 for 7 days of an equally important part of that ceremony, the fantasy getaway known as a honeymoon.

Every honeymoon traveler desires to experience the “Wow” factor, be it elegant lodgings, exotic locations, great food, beautiful views, or unique recreational opportunities; actually, sky is the limit. However, if your expectations don’t match your budget, then it’s wise to either reassess your expectations or reallocate your budget.

Discuss what will “wow” you, and evaluate how your budget will enable you to be “wowed”. In my experience most people’s expectations far exceed their budget, which is what I refer to as the 50% rule, wherein most people under budgeted their vacation or honeymoon by 50%, and in some cases, more. If you budget for beer, you can’t expect to be served expensive champagne.

Try to look beyond the price of an important trip. The most important question to ask yourself is what will you remember 5, 10, or 15 years from now about your experience … how much you spent on the trip? or how much you enjoyed your time together, the location, and the experiences you shared?

Ultimately, the key to a good travel experience is matching up your expectations with a property and destination that meets your budget and expectations so everything (including your budget) will be in-line with those expectations. It’s also wise to have a clear idea of what you would like to bring back from your trip, and what you would like to achieve through your vacation/honeymoon experience.

Think about it this way….5,10,15,20,30+ years from now “what will you remember?  How much you spent or the experience you had? That should puts everything in perspective.

After all, life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breaths away! For help planning your honeymoon, vacation, destination wedding, anniversary contact Honeymoon Islands email:

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